Entries by Anastasia Wasko

Psychospiritual Growth: Chiron, the Wounded Healer

Psychospiritual growth will inevitably include an encounter with Chiron, the wounded healer archetype. Chiron the asteroid is retrograding through Aries for the next few months (July 2021 through December 2021). This brings the energy of the wounded healer archetype to our collective field. This is an opportunity to review, revisit, explore stories (narratives) around wounding, […]

Performance Art: The Crown Cycle

  This piece titled The Crown Cycle was completed during the week that contained summer solstice, transition to Cancer season, Capricorn full moon. The energy is full of considerations of the masculine, feminine, emotions and permission to express, connections to patriarchy, the old identity structure that makes a woman’s identity only visible through a male’s […]