New Book for Weirdos, Seekers, and Folx in midlife crisis
Open your Mind
And Live with Connection to Your Heart and Soul
…Even if you’re not the hippy type
Breakthrough method to learn how to think about being in the world beyond what is right in front of you. Find your connection and meaning in the mess of life.
This book will show you how.
Wanna break through the ick and figure out the why?
Here’s the secret:
All the Earth school drama-rama is an opportunity to step deeper into your soul and know yourself.
Me a few years ago:
Recovering from mental health issues, kinda doing okay, and wondering why nobody told me that the hard part about getting healthy, is that you still live in a sick world.
Also me a few years ago:
I wanted the second half of my life to be lived in authenticity with what I was here in this life to do.
I learned that astrology is real. I learned that we are more than just meatsuits. I learned that there is a plan that is beyond me that will lead me to my joy and inner freedom.
I knew I needed to teach others to learn what I found out so I could have a global community of happy, free people who wanted to live by their soul and mission, too.
I wrote The Practice so I could put all of the tools that I had used to achieve freedom where you are, anywhere in the world: lessons from yoga and its related spiritual-material view of the world. Evolutionary astrology, self-care, making culture. With imagination and creative writing as medicine.
And here we are. I’ve got multiple books out. I am helping people to find their own voice to walk between the human and spirit natures of life, synthesizing experiences and growing as a person.
“Spirituality is connection—that’s it.”
–Anastasia Wasko
I can’t promise you that you’ll read the book and everything will all of a sudden make sense. But what I can promise you is that you choosing this book means something. It’s you taking another step toward further aligning your head, heart, soul, in the search of YOUR true freedom. It takes a lot of hard work. You may make a ton of mistakes, and you may hold your head in your hands crying, “What does it all mean?” But this time you’ll also know that it’s part of the process.
Transformation to clarity and peace is possible.
Here’s some of what you’ll learn in The Practice
–serves your personal growth by aligning your mind, body, and soul
–Ask “What is the soul?” and “Why am I here?” explore them in down-to-Earth language
–incorporates using evolutionary astrology to guide you in writing your own story, your own personal narrative
The book includes many places for you to scribble in, such as the section Write Your Own Story that contains 10 pages of reflection prompts. There’s also a Map of Inner Space and Constellation of Interconnectedness.
Praise for The Practice
Anastasia Wasko’s brilliant mind and her expansive spirit weaves together the essence of ancient wisdom systems, spiritual lineages, and contemporary perspectives to create a new, visionary system – a process called The Practice. This process takes the reader on an exciting and empowering journey into the depth of their personality, their soul, and to the spaceless and timeless spheres of archetypes, ideas, existence, and story.
–Verena Borell, Evolutionary Astrologer and Author